to transform your pain
and help you get your
life back.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral work is a gentle form of treatment that works with the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, the 22 cranial bones and the membranes inside of the cranium, the sacrum and spinal column that make up what is called, the craniosacral system. The practitioner uses gentle touch while providing long holds with each contact to the head, spine and pelvis to help optimize a movement pattern in this system called the cranial wave.
When the movement of the cranial wave is not flowing with ease, it inhibits the craniosacral system from functioning efficiently and as a result we can feel “out of sorts.” The bones in the head, spine and central nervous system are affected adversely and because the central nervous system governs what the rest of our body does, it’s challenging to be and even feel at our best.
One of my mentors, Sara Johnston CMT, MFR, LMT, put it beautifully by stating, “The humam head is so delicate and so suffused with vital nerve pathways, that even slight deformations of a bone’s movement or position can produce physical or psychological symptoms. When the cranial wave is distorted it diverts a disproportionate amount of energy or “chi”, lowers the strength of the immune system, and opens the door to chronic states like depression.”
Below is a list of some ailments that can be addressed with Craniosacral work:
* Tempromandibular Joint Syndrome (commonly known as TMJ)
* Migraines and Other Forms of Headaches
* Chronic Back, Hip and Neck Pain
* Central Nervous System Disorders
* Scoliosis
* Vision Impairments
* Mood and Stress Related Issues
* Tinnitus
* Vertigo
* Traumatic Injuries to the Brain and Spinal Cord
Receiving Craniosacral work can help bring you back into balance with your body and well-being so you can live your life in a forward moving fashion.

Myofascial Release
Fascia embeds every tissue in our body, down to the tiniest cell. This tissue can store old forms of physical, mental and/or emotional trauma until it’s released. Since the fascia is a system that conducts its way throughout the whole body, a restriction in one area can affect the tissues in another; creating unhealthy holding patterns and overall decreased mobility in the physical and energetic bodies. Fascia, in it’s healthy state, can lend itself to uninhibited, expansive, efficient and liquid-like movement.
When the fascia and surrounding connective tissue are tight, posture and range of motion become compromised and pain is a result. Without the use of oil, slow stretching techniques are used to lengthen and release these restrictions. The specific approach I study and work with is Myofascial Release (MFR), as created and taught by John F Barnes.
Below is a list of ailments that can be addressed with Myofascial Release:
- Low back pain
- Whiplash
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Fibromyalgia
- Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Scars
- Scoliosis
- Pelvic Pain
- Hip Pain
- These are to name but a few and there is so much more!
Myofascial Release sessions are 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes in length.